


Truckin’ Down Under

Having a certain appetite for bucking the system, defying authority, or simply throwing caution to the wind has provided me ample opportunities to quote a line from the Grateful Dead song “Truckin’” a great many times, and even though my music tastes have not changed one iota since listening to the first album I ever [...]

By | November 4th, 2012|Family & Friends, Petaluma|70 Comments

Soiled Riches

Would you like a receipt?Soiled Riches   Gas prices continue to climb, Grades conveniently separated Not by a penny, nor a nickel, But by Roosevelt’s face, On that very thin dime.   Global hostages in this game, Offshore and foreign markets reap Riches under their soil While our politicians work the polls This stunted economy Continues to [...]

By | October 16th, 2012|Petaluma|0 Comments

Real Women Drink Beer

I sit here this morning on my own.  It’s a peaceful Saturday morning and all the girls have retreated to their own agendas for the day.  I filled the back of the SUV with all our recyclables earlier and drove our youngest to her place of employment and headed over to the recycling [...]

By | September 22nd, 2012|Petaluma|104 Comments

Dream On

Friday afternoon found us in possession of some premium parking as the sun had already removed the shadows on the streets of Petaluma of all the pedestrians who had either left the Petaluma High School football game early or were looking for something else to occupy their time. ¶ The Trojans lost their 3rdgame in [...]

By | September 9th, 2012|Family & Friends, Petaluma|0 Comments

Shaking the Magic 8-Ball

The rewards of an attentive family (and network) are tested regularly for breast cancer patients.  In our case, the same reward is tested for our breast cancer survivor as our survivor’s medical team weighs in with their ideas on new tests to ensure her breast cancer has not spread. ¶ This [post] is only a [...]

By | August 28th, 2012|Cancer Support Group, Petaluma|0 Comments

Our Moment of Truth

How do we deal with the moment of truth when it arrives?  Do we know it’s coming? Are we ready to answer that expected or unexpected knock on the door when it does? ¶ It’s really early morning here along the river and moments ago I heard our daughter’s alarm clock sing out.  Her moment [...]

By | August 26th, 2012|Petaluma|0 Comments

Off the Grid

It’s early Friday morning and I find myself in an odd situation as my location is one in which I am not at all used to.  With three years under my belt living here along the Pacific rim there’s been a steady diet of 40 hour workweeks and very little time to sit back and [...]

By | July 20th, 2012|Family & Friends, Petaluma|0 Comments

Our Morale Compass

It’s Friday morning here in California.  A marine layer of fog has covered the morning sunshine.  The windows are open and the breeze coming into the office is most welcome.  The Rolling Stones are on the IPOD with an explanation on “scraping that shit right off your shoes …” There’s no telling what Mick was [...]

By | June 29th, 2012|Family & Friends, Petaluma|0 Comments

It’s Got to be The Buckhorn!

So with five  months worth of calendar pages tossed to the side like the scraps from last night’s dinner I thought a checkup on our New Year’s resolutions would be in order.  Unless you offered your resolve to me I would have no way of knowing how well you did in keeping that promise to yourself.  [...]

By | June 1st, 2012|Cancer Support Group, Family & Friends, Petaluma|0 Comments

Welcome Back PINT NIGHT!

According to Wikipedia, the “pint” is a unit of volume or capacity that was once used across much of Europe with values varying from state to state from less than half a litre to over one litre.  Within continental Europe, the pint was replaced with the metric system during the nineteenth century.  However, in the [...]

By | March 30th, 2012|Family & Friends, Petaluma|1 Comment